Text To Self Comparison | Teen Ink

Text To Self Comparison

December 30, 2010
By ashleyray BRONZE, Oceanside, California
ashleyray BRONZE, Oceanside, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"

The song I chose to compare to my personality is The Climb by Miley Cyrus. I am not a huge fan of Miley Cyrus but the lyrics are touching and give you a taste of reality. The lyrics of this particular song can give you strength that you can overcome any obstacle you choose. Some obstacles may be harder to overcome than others but facing these obstacles all have a common denominator, “But I gotta keep trying, gotta keep my head held high”. Even though the obstacles you face may seem very complex and hard to even try to face, you still have to try. At the time, it may seem silly to keep a happy face on and stay positive while facing these challenges, but let me tell you, based on personal experiences with myself, it is better and less tiring if you stay positive about things rather than being negative.

When I first heard this song, I was in the eighth grade. I was then currently attending a private school, but after that year, I would leave all my friends that I had grown up with for nine years and attend El Camino High. I only knew one person at the time who would be going to the same place as me, and she was my next door neighbor. I felt alone and scared. All these thoughts kept racing through my head “What if I don’t make any friends?”, “What if people don’t like me?”. All these ‘what if’ scenarios wouldn’t leave my mind. I feared being alone and being disliked. I also feared having to change my personality and who I was in order to ‘fit in’. That’s all I wanted was to be liked for who I was.

A few months after hearing this song, and worrying about my future in high school, I had found out one of my friends at my private school would be attending El Camino as well. I was excited that I wouldn’t be completely alone. I realized that I was silly to let this problem affect me. I knew everything would work out fine. I just had to have faith in myself that I would fit in. I knew I had to stay positive and to “keep my head held high” when facing my obstacles, like in the song. The song spoke to me and made me realize there would be plenty of obstacles coming my way, but in order for them to be moved, I had to smile and not let the fear show.

But in the song as well, Miley talks about how you’re gonna have to “sometimes loose”. I have lost to several battles; some more important than others. One of the battles I lost to was trying to keep myself healthy. Even though there are other people all around the world who are worse off than I am, I refused to be positive at the time. I knew there was nothing I could do and that this situation was out of my reach; I couldn’t control it and I couldn’t reverse it. Miley states in her song “There are always gonna be another mountain; I’m always gonna wanna make it move”, this part spoke to me deeply. It’s true that there’s always gonna be other mountains you wanna move, but sometimes you just can’t move them.

In the end however, there were some mountains that I did move. Like my friend situation for example, I have made so many new friends that I have almost forgotten those at my private school. I’m glad to say that my mountain for that problem has completely moved. As for my health situation, let’s just say that parts of it are being broken. News I’ve received in the past have been good in some ways, making the mountain I wanna overcome less huge. I enjoy facing these “mountains” as Miley calls them because it makes me a stronger person emotionally.

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