The Night | Teen Ink

The Night

November 17, 2010
By bianca ayala BRONZE, Appleton, Wisconsin
bianca ayala BRONZE, Appleton, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Things happen so fast that you don’t even know what to do or how to react to it. Like for example when my dad was being attacked by a drunk man and the reason that my dad was being attacked was because the guy thought that my dad was one of his friends, my dad was ready to throw a punch but, he didn’t. The good thing was that I had my phone right next to me so I called the police but, then I hung up because I didn’t really know what to say or how to react or even what to do. So then the police called back and I had to tell them what was going on and they also told me that I shouldn’t be playing like that. I didn’t mean to.

My family and I were at one of my parent s friend’s house and we had arrived there at 7:30 and we left their house at 11:45. Before we got into the car my mo had to change my little brother diaper, so she did, after we just started talking on the side of our car. So then my mom saw this man or guy walking toward us and she got in the before he go closer to us because my mom had saw him with a box of beer, so she was like “oh he is drunk or something.” I got in the passenger seat put on my seat belt and waited for my dad to get in the car because when he was still outside we were still talking. My dad gets in the car but, not all the way in, he just had one foot inside so then he reaches for the door and the guy reaches for him and starts to choke him and grabs him by the neck. My dad steps out of the car again and my dad was really angry. He was going to hit him and my mom was like no don’t. Next my dad just pushes him and the guy was like “no, no stop, don’t him me”. My dad was like “What is your problem” Then. The guy said “I don’t have a problem I just confused you with one of my friends.” Then I called the cops and then I hung up because I didn’t know what to say so then they called back to see what was wrong or what was going on. They told me that I shouldn’t be playing around, I was like I am sorry didn’t mean to hang up.

Things happen so fast that you don’t how to react or what to do and sometimes us people panic a lot.

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