Christmas at Grandma's House | Teen Ink

Christmas at Grandma's House

November 16, 2010
By ferral BRONZE, Mancos, Colorado
ferral BRONZE, Mancos, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
dont get mad get even :JFK

A hungry child, a dog, and a turkey with no parental supervision can lead to very bad things indeed. That’s what I learned one Christmas at Grandma’s house with my parents, brother, and dog. Typically we would all go to the dining room and eat a nice traditional meal, but then I had to go and ruin it all. All of this started when Grandpa went and put the turkey on the table.
“What a great turkey,” Grandpa commented.
“Let’s let it cool so we can watch the movie,” said Dad.
As soon as they left, I realized there was a big juicy turkey up there on the table and two small hungry five year old boys on the floor. Unlike my brother I put two and two together.
“Tanner, I’m going for the turkey. Give me a boost.”
“What if we get caught? Mom and Dad are only a room away!”
“We’ll be fine. The dog’s right there.”
“All right.”
As soon as I made it to the top of the table I started to chow down. For a while there I forgot Tanner was even there until he was asking me for some of the turkey. That’s when I went for the turkey leg. The moment I got a hold of the leg I started to tug on it. Nothing happened. So I decided to push on the turkey and pull on the leg instead.
Seconds later a chain reaction happened. With my push, the already dangerously-close-to-the-edge turkey started to lean off the table. The dog started to bark as the turkey started to fall.
“RUN!!!” I told Tanner. By the time we had reached the hallway, we saw our parents walk into the dinning room.
We saw the turkey fall, the dog start to bark, and my parents start to freak out and that was my first Christmas at Grandma’s house.
Overall two hungry unsupervised toddlers and a Christmas turkey don’t mix.

The author's comments:
never let your stomach get the best of you

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