<3 It is my choice and I dont care what you think <3 | Teen Ink

<3 It is my choice and I dont care what you think <3

November 2, 2010
By Anonymous

Things have changed since I am come to a conclusion of what I am. I am open about my interest to a certain degree .But for some reasons unknown to me people act childish about me and my choice. People need to know that it is my choice to be the way I am and not theirs.
I hate going to church. This is because it seems like every time I go the pastor is looking directly at me and basically saying that I am a disgrace and what I am a sin. I don’t believe that what I am a sin I believe that what I am my choice. When I was younger I was taught in church that God loves everybody they are. He doesn’t discriminate as you get older. He doesn’t say when you turn fifteen that because you are different that you are going to hell.
I hypothetically told my parents what I am .Basically I said “Mom how would you feel about me being …..”Then the reply I got back from her was “Well I hope you are talking about one of your friends because my daughter is getting married one day and is going to give me a lot a grandkids.” So basically to my knowledge I don’t think she would understand what I have to say. She’d probably through ‘holy’ water at me and tells me to read the bible. A lot of people don’t understand what it is like being what I am they think that people who are what I am are not serious and it’s just a phase. I don’t think it is .I knows what I am and I don’t plan on changing.
People will always have time to share what they think of me and how they think that I should live my life. Some think that it is a disgrace. They think it is not an honest way of life. But, I think I should let them know. This is my life and you are just an audience member in my movie theatre. I’m a LESBIAN. And it’s time for me to stop thinking about what others may say or expect of me. This is because I am what I am and who else should care but me.

The author's comments:
Well this came to me when I was doing some research about the "Things will get better Project" As I was watching some of the Youtube video.I realised that alot of people care what other people think about their sexuality but honestly I am tired of caring and wanting to know what other peopel think abou me.

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on Nov. 11 2010 at 11:20 am
SadarieJones SILVER, Newark, Delaware
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