A Realization | Teen Ink

A Realization

November 1, 2010
By KSG1993 SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
KSG1993 SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So this is my life; it's kind of rocky, and bit disappointing-- well, for now at least. But it's mine, and I'm starting to figure out that may be enough. I'm feeling a lot of pain, but at least I'm feeling. What I have is certainly nothing special, but it's more than I'm sure a lot of people have.
I truly believe everything will work out for me; it might take years to forgive the things and people who have robbed me of my innocence, my right to ignorance. Still, I'm keeping faith in humanity; enough to believe that one day, I will recover.
And here's the best part; I'm already doing better. I've started living for myself, I'm trying to better myself and I'm trying to uplift others. That's more justification than you, or anyone needs.
I thank God, if there is such a thing, that I'm beginning to come to terms with myself and with my life.
And on that note, I'm beginning to realize (for the first time in a long time) that maybe, I'm doing just fine after all.

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