Vietnam! | Teen Ink


October 25, 2010
By VietnamOi BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
VietnamOi BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by seeing a imperfect person perfectly.

The first time I traveled to Vietnam was the best but different trips. Before being in Vietnam one part of this vacation stuck out like a sore thumb,the plane trips. This stuck out because it took a large amount of time and it was my first plane trip. We firstly started at Denver International Airport then flew a two hour trip to Los Angeles airport. Then we had 0to wait for a three hour layover. Finally we began the 12 hour trip to Korea. This flight was unique because 12 hours in one seat is a long time. Except for that the flight was great.They provided us with choice of movie, games, and music. I watched Transformers 2, 9, District 9, and 500 Days of Summer. I also played blackjack and listened to Chris Brown. Because of the long time, I watched plenty of movies and listened to music to occupy me. I needed to be occupied because I couldn't sleep in the middle seat. The Korean Air staff even gave us two meals throughout the flight.

Finally after the flight we had to wait another 6 hours for our layover. After this flight would be Vietnam.This airport was such a huge area including a mall several restaurants, and even a hotel. The airport was begging us to be explored. After all these flights were over we came upon the Vietnamese Airport. When we saw our family we hugged and kissed them, some of which I didn’t know of. Then we took a cab all the way to my dad’s side of the family. passing all the city, passing all the stores we entered the village life with farms everywhere. At first it was weird and awkward because I didn’t know them but later on I was introduced and they turned out to be wonderful. The house was so big it fitted two families. After staying three days at my dads side we went to my mom's side. This place was even more passed the city life and again I knew nobody, but when I met them we bonded like we knew each other forever.

During our time there we attended to many weddings. Considering I didn’t know the bride and groom I felt very happy for them. We went to four other weddings. My cousins were the ones that got married.

Besides spending time with my family while we were going through all the airplane flights we stayed in the city and hotels. Instead of eating at home in the city we ate at restaurants everyday. It was also different from America because instead of cars there is mostly mopeds. Karaoke was what we did for for fun. We would always take a cab to the nearby karaoke shop and we would sing for a while.

This concludes my experience to Vietnam.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 1 2010 at 6:15 pm
bobmarley917 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 8 comments
Going to Vietnam sounds like fun. I would want to go there someday.