Graduation | Teen Ink


October 20, 2010
By DestineeRae BRONZE, Elmwood, Wisconsin
DestineeRae BRONZE, Elmwood, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My brother Tristan and I are Graduating. We aren’t twins I’m fourteen he’s 18. I graduated for middle school and he graduated from high school. My story begins at the Graduation after party.
Everyone was happy and enjoying the night when my older sister Tania decided to tell me to go home. I didn’t like that much and I had already got permission to sleep over. So words were exchanged and I got upset. I went outside to with my sister in law Karley.
We were sitting outside when some drunken men came up to us and started asking use questions and hugging us. They were asking me what’s wrong and who did it. So they could fight them. We were getting uncomfortable so I told them to leave. Of course they were drunk so they got really loud.
My family was inside upstairs with the window open. Karley started screaming T.J. I was trying to get her to relax but no matter what I did it didn’t help. My whole family came running down stairs. They yelled at the drunken men. The drunken men yelled at them. Words were exchanged. I was scared my family is really scary people when you make them mad. Finally the men left. After they left I got screamed at I went home and in the morning they apologized. We had another party that night and everyone was happy and enjoyed the night.

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