The Story of Myself | Teen Ink

The Story of Myself

October 14, 2010
By yarizamar BRONZE, Farmers Branch, Texas
yarizamar BRONZE, Farmers Branch, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Just this Saturday it happened again. I woke up early in the morning on a sunny day around 7:45 a.m., I thought I was going to my PSAT classes at the lonely green halls of my rivalry school, Newman Smith High School, but I wasn’t. My youngest brother Ramses came running in my room almost as if there had been a party at my house, bumping into my mirror that almost fell and obviously would have broken. He was just too excited about his soccer pictures. Mom wasn’t home anymore because she was at work and dad, well my parents are divorced. While Ramses was in my room he asked me if I could take him but he had to be at the soccer fields at 8:30 a.m. and I had to be at old boring Newman Smith from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. “I could probably make it Ramses, I’m not sure though but you have to hurry.” I yelled as he walked out. Right as Ramses was walking out Jose came in. Jose is the middle child and plays baseball, football and marching band if you’d let me count it as a sport. He just recently quit select soccer because it was just way too much. Well as he came in my room he sat down on my pink fluffy chair and asked if I could drop him off at our school, R.L. Turner High School but you may call it Turner for short. He told me he was having a marching band contest and he also had to be at school by 8:30 a.m. As I realized we all had to be at different places at about the same time I asked, “Are you serious??” with an attitude. He gave me a very confused look and didn’t answer. As I started calling my mom to explain what was going on, Ramses came back to my room and started whispering to Jose. I couldn't quite understand what they were saying because I was trying to multitask while talking to my mom. I explained to her what we all needed to do and she told me she would leave her job to take my brothers to where they needed to be and for me to just worry about my class. As I smelled the wonderful smell of pancakes I told her I didn’t have to go because I already had the material at home and I could just study it there. She asked if I was sure and I said of course. We finally hung up after a 5 minute conversation and agreed I would miss class and take them. It didn’t bother me to take them instead because I had the material at home and I had already taken the course. I felt good inside knowing that I could help her do things I knew it would be a lot harder for her to do because she’d have to miss work. Anyway, I ran to the kitchen expecting my 2 pancakes with 2 sweet strawberries and my big cup of strawberry milk, not to mention I love strawberry milk. When I got to the kitchen I saw exactly what I imagined. Jose had made breakfast for the three of us that morning. Well we all hurried ate breakfast like never before and got ready to leave. I dropped off Jose first because Turner is exactly 4 minutes away from my house, for normal drivers anyway. Then Ramses and I went to McKinish Park where they were going to be taking their team photos. It all worked out that day because I took my books to the park and reviewed the lesson we were supposed to review that day while Ramses was with his team. I don’t think we could have made a better choice than the choice we made because we all accomplished our goals.

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This article has 1 comment.

Kiki said...
on Oct. 24 2010 at 10:27 am
Wonderfull story Kiki, I LOVE YOU MA!!!!!!!!!!