It's Time | Teen Ink

It's Time

July 24, 2010
By Shelby.W SILVER, Dayton, Ohio
Shelby.W SILVER, Dayton, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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"I am not an artist of colors. I am an artist of words."-Shelby Weaver,September 2nd,2011

Well,it's that time of year again.The time when school starts.I for one,am happy about this time,when most students dread it.I kind of understand why students dread school in a new year.It's the new classes,new teachers,and in some cases,a new school.I should Know how the last reason is because I've been to at least seven different schools so far.And for moving so many times,I've become an outsider.It's not so bad being an outsider,there are some awsome things you can do.Like,looking over what happens in and around your school alot easier.And you will know what happens before the other students.I,think being an outsider isn't all bad...after a while,everyone will be your friend and or your buddies..unless it's the person who made you feel like the outsider in the first place!

The author's comments:
years and years of not Knowing anyone in the begining of a new school year at a new school.

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