my passion | Teen Ink

my passion

May 28, 2010
By nicknig BRONZE, Mt Prospect, Illinois
nicknig BRONZE, Mt Prospect, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

my passion is money i'm motivated by always working hard to get it. Im never broke as along as someone still owes me im never broke. They say money is the root of all evil i thnk its true when a person has lots of money you never know what they can do. i like to spend money usually most of it goes on the blue and yellow sign burger king. at the same time i like to go out and find new clothes all types of colors texturess, design, jeans, sweatpants, hoodies. thats when i noticedmy money running thin i'm also conservative ill always have atleast 1 dollar can just waste all my money it's like a mother with kids cant give them away. i have 6 jobs to support my thirst for green money runs the world. 1 never like to ask my mom for money because her reply would be to go out and research out a job an mae my own money to spend that migh be why i got motivated to get money.

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