Moving. | Teen Ink


May 4, 2010
By GabrielaG BRONZE, Houston, Texas
GabrielaG BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Moving to a new country, state to state isn’t great at all. Not seeing you father as much as you did before isn’t the best part of it either. Making new friends is a part of moving, because schools are still involved. I’ve moved to at least four different times, which means I’ve been to four different schools. Moving involves tears and work but sooner or later it’s worth it.
When I was 4 years old living in Peru was very tough for my mom because she was raising us alone because my dad lived in the U.S. One day my mom made a decision that we were all going to move to the United States as well. I arrive in Florida with my aunt, then moved to New York. My mom and sister moved to there a month later and we were there for a year and a half. My Parents ended up wanting to get divorced it wasn’t in the plan and neither was moving…again. We moved to Connecticut, it’s a hour away from New York. I got to see my dad about three times a month because we would always drive to see him. Six years in Connecticut was great, I loved the weather, snowy winters and blazing summers. My sister came to visit her old best friend from New York who had moved to Texas and my sister fell in love… with Texas. So, we moved once again.
Leaving Pre K was fine, Leaving Kinder-Garden was OK, but the hardest leaving was my elementary school. I was in that school from half of kinder-garden to 5th grade. I made many friends in Connecticut, and my sister met her fiancé there too. It was her idea to move to Texas and it was fine with her since her boyfriend was moving with us. When my mom told me the news I whined, cried, and begged not to move but they had made the decision for me, I was moving and it was final. I moved to Texas in June it was hot and humid and I hated it. I was older now and I thought it was going to be harder to make friends now since I was beginning middle school. Most kids there had many friends from their elementary school since they lived there longer but I was new, no friends what so ever. But everything became easier later on that week, I made friends faster than I thought. It became easier to settle down in Houston Texas.
So now in a couple of weeks I’m finishing middle school. It’s exciting but terrifying at the same time because guess what? I’m most likely moving… again. Half an hour doesn’t seem like much but if I move my new address would no longer be zoned to the school I was planning to go. The high school I most likely won’t go to because my mom is pretty sure we’re moving was where I think most of my friends are going to. This means for me it’s technically 6th grade all over again.
Being the new kid you may think is scary and all but always try to make things work. All the times I moved I made more great friends. Even though you’ll miss your friends from other cities or schools always remember the best thing about life is family. So even though you may not be with friends family is always there. Moving has its ups and downs but at the even it will work.

The author's comments:
For Mr.W

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 2 2010 at 1:42 pm
very nice Gaby