Love Is a Losing Game | Teen Ink

Love Is a Losing Game

May 10, 2010
By KLESHAE BRONZE, Menifee, California
KLESHAE BRONZE, Menifee, California
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
life is a b***h then you die

To love someone is like giving someone your heart.Then later on, they find someone they like and leave you for them and your heart is broken.Well, I have had that experience for many times, but somehow I cant stop loving. Even though someone has broken my heart,left me behind and forgot what they mean to me.But I havent....You also didn't realize that you are my everything. You are my everything to me, my world! My saying sometimes is "better to have loved and lost,than to have never been loved at all".

The author's comments:
I had been broken one too many times I always write poems when I am sad with a broken heart

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