May 10, 2010
By Anonymous

Around noon, Courtlin, my homeboys and I all drove to Disneyland together. During the trip, we told jokes and funny memories of each other.
“Um, guy’s? I think were lost,” my friend Roman announced out of nowhere. Thankfully I was sitting in the front seat with him and was able to lead him the way, since I use to live in Anaheim.
Finally we got to Disneyland. After parking and buying our tickets, the first thing we did was walk straight to Space Mountain. Unfortunately, the line was incredibly long we decided to wait anyway. While in line waiting we all joked and had a good time. After we got on and rode the ride, we all agreed that it was worth the wait.
After Space Mountain we decided to go on all the fast and fun rides. It was fun because Courtlin and I were riding buddies the whole time, but our homeboys Mario and Roman wanted to ride with us also. What made Courtlin and I almost lose it, however, was that Mario and Roman were screaming as much as we were, maybe even a more. Soon after, it was about 6:30 p.m., we all got our hands stamped and left Disneyland to go eat at a restaurant called Lucille’s. The food was so good. We all ordered so much food while my friend Roman paid for everything!
“Don’t worry guys,” Roman announced, “it’s all on me.”
As soon as everyone was done, we headed back to Disneyland and went on a couple more rides. At around 9:30 p.m., the fireworks began. We all sat down and watched them. At last it was closing time and we left and went to a “kick back.” I had such a fun time at Disneyland that day with my closest friends.

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