A "Charming" Moment At BK | Teen Ink

A "Charming" Moment At BK

September 4, 2009
By º1-M∂R¡An∂-3º BRONZE, Park City, Utah
º1-M∂R¡An∂-3º BRONZE, Park City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My embarrassed moment of my life happen this 4th of July it happen at Burger King and trust me i still cant forget about that embarrassing moment. What it happen to me was...well at first i was at the city park all cool hanging out with my friends having fun ...in a moment my stomach started to make a weird noise because i was hungry, all of my friends could heard it and on of them said “What you don’t have food or what” and everyone started laughing and i was embarrassed i could feel how my face turned red. But that wasn’t my worst part on that day because later on my friends and i decided to go to Burger King. When we all got there OMG there was a really,really cute guy,that i used to liked. But i couldn’t stand the smell of the hamburgers i was dying to touch them and eat as many as i could. So i order some. And yeah of course i couldn’t stop staring at the cute guy. When my order was ready i started walking forward but my eyes were him, by looking at him i didn’t see a wall that was there so i crash with it and my food spread all over my coke split on my shirt everyone in there started laughing even the cute guy. The next day i saw him i couldn’t see him at the eyes i was to embarrassed, now i don’t talk to him because every time he see me he laugh’s and I’m to embarrassed.

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on Sep. 22 2009 at 8:43 pm
PennState2011 BRONZE, Enterprise, Alabama
4 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"make your life a mission not an intermission"
"follow your heart because that is the only thing you can trust."
"you are your only true friend :)"

OMG! i have done that! try doing it in front of your date at homecoming! so emberrising dont worry i feel your pain haha