The unexpected Gift | Teen Ink

The unexpected Gift

April 27, 2010
By Brittanyx3 BRONZE, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
Brittanyx3 BRONZE, Glen Ellyn, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I woke up to the sun’s rays shining onto my face through the window, the smell of eggs and bacon, and of course to make all of this one-hundred times better hearing the words happy birthday as I raced down the stairs. Not knowing that the start of seven years of memories happened with a box I would soon be opening. Opening it to find the item I’d least expected.

Birthdays have always been my favorite occasions, especially when my godfather Tim came over. But this time I knew it was going to be a day I’d remember for a long time.

As the morning hours elapsed into the afternoon, I heard the sound of car tires rolling onto the rocky pavement of my driveway. I sprinted outside to greet Tim as he hugged me and wished me a happy birthday.
“Here,” he said, “Bring this inside, but be very careful. Do not drop it okay?”
“Okay.” I replied.
So I took the cream-colored box inside, and made sure I was as walking carefully like he said. As I started making my way towards the house, whatever was inside seemed to move from one side to the other and back. This made me curious of to what the box contained.
Once I got inside, I shouted for everyone to come downstairs so I could open this. At this point, I knew it was an animal because of the cages on the dining room table. I opened the box to find no more than a six inch brown and white spotted bunny inside. I was so thrilled I screamed of happiness, and then went to pick up my new (and first) pet.
He was amazingly soft and small. I named him the name anyone who loved Bambi would, Thumper. I never wanted to put him down, showing my new pet to all my family like he was a million dollars. But in this case, he seemed better than any amount of money.

Today, seven years and a week later I still have thumper. Although he isn’t as small or young, every time I play with him I remember him as I first saw him. He will always be my first pet. And i’ll always remember him

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