A True Friend: This I Believe | Teen Ink

A True Friend: This I Believe

March 16, 2010
By Anonymous

This I believe about being a true friend. I believe a true friend is there for you when no one else is. When the times get tough, a true friend is the only one to come through. My belief about a true friend was molded when I was being harassed by a group of bullies in the seventh grade. I was not popular and did not have many friends at the time. I thought I had more friends that I actually did. I was the bullies’ favorite target because I would never fight back. The teasing and the shoving was the usual for me. When this would occur, I would usually look around and see my “friends” or whom I thought were my friends just standing there a laughing. Never would they actually rescue me from the torture.

I never really took this to heart until one day when everything changed. One of my closest friends back then was a girl named Danielle. She really cared about me and she was the nicest person. Her actions on this one specific day have truly modeled my belief about a true friend.

It was a normal day and I was walking down the hallway to my next class. I was then met by the regular group of bullies and I was pushed around slamming my head into lockers and being teased, you know the usual. Then, Danielle turned the corner as my head had just smashed against the locker almost knocking me out. She came running towards me and screamed at the bullies and utterly embarrassed them. They had then scurried off laughing as I was on the floor with Danielle by my side. This act of bravery, kindness, and care truly showed me that I had a true friend. She had got out of her way to come and save me. Who knows? If she wasn’t there maybe I would have been knocked out. Danielle’s rescue of me has and always will be my definition of a true friend. Danielle is a wonderful person and is a true friend.

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