A Sunset like No Other | Teen Ink

A Sunset like No Other

February 8, 2010
By Anonymous

“We’re here!” announced my mom.
“Finally”, exclaimed me and my sister Mazie.

Mazie and I jumped out of the car to stretch our legs. We had been driving for 24 hours. It was the summer of my 6th grade year. I had never been there and couldn’t wait to see the mystical canyon. I felt excited to see if the Grand Canyon would meet my expectations.
Flying to see the canyon, the melted clouds engulfed us. I could see the clean white clouds. Suddenly, we saw the canyon and all of its beauty. Cameras flashing between the ooh and ahh’s Mazie yelled “I see it, it’s the Grand Canyon!”

“Isn’t it beautiful?” I replied. “We are flying over the Grand Canyon!” I had never been in a plane before.

Soaring with the birds, we turn to go back to the small airport. Suddenly, the squeaking tires come to a smooth and gentle stop.

Walking to the steep trail of colors, Mazie and I take a bite out of our strawberry granola bar. All of the beautiful colors surround us. As the gentle pulse of the sun slowly rubs in a sun burn on our backs, we look at the vibrant red rocks. Walking a little further, we saw a little bird and a squirrel standing on the edge of the canyon almost like they were posing for the picture. Not afraid of the people, they stood there almost to say, “Yes, do look at me. I am the most amazing thing you have ever seen. So yes, so take pictures.”
Mom whispered, “Take a picture of the squirrel, Chelsey.”
Laughing at the chubby squirrel, I whispered, “Ok. Hey Mazie, go stand by the squirrel.”
Slowly easing into the picture Mazie contently exclaimed, “CHEESE!”
The smell of human sweat filled the air as I walked down the trail. In the hot summer air the stinging sunscreen entered my eyes. Then out of nowhere a cool breeze came which gave me enough strength to go back up the bumpy trail. That’s when we reached the summit.

“Not so close girls!” my mom exclaimed.
We stood on the edge of the canyon waiting for the bright red sun to float away. The dry, hard rocks that surrounded me were so full of hot reds, calm blues, and elegant oranges. The baby blue waters hushed as day slowly turned into night. Everything is so much quieter as the people start to filter out and only the strong survivors say to see the sun set.

All the people sat back and watched the quiet sun fall into the deep blue sky filled with bright reds and hot pinks. As the enormous blue sky swallowed the sun, the glowing moon woke up to say, “Hello”. The stars jumped into position and turned on their twinkling yellow lights for all to see. The quiet happiness proves that there’s no beauty like watching the sunset at the Grand Canyon.
“It’s so pretty”, exclaimed my Mom. We just sat back and watch the moon overtake the sun in a beautiful fight of colors. Sitting there looking back at that moment in time of falling in awe of the Grand Canyon, it’s needless to say it exceeds my expectations.
“There’s nothing like a Grand Canyon sunset.” I said in awe.
“Ha-ha, there’s nothing like the Grand Canyon!” Mazie laughed.

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This article has 1 comment.

running26 said...
on Feb. 13 2010 at 6:42 pm
you painted a picture that was beauitful! You shared one of God's beauty with me. I loved your article, it was full of color and love!