My Most Embarrassing Moment | Teen Ink

My Most Embarrassing Moment

September 24, 2009
By Anonymous

My Most Embarrassing Moment

I was around the age of five, my favorite holiday was Christmas. Every year my mom would take me to see Santa at the mall. I loved sitting on his lap and asking for a bunch of cool stuff, but one time I went, it was different, I felt sick. This is the story about my most embarrassing moment ever.

The line was backed up all the way to the front doors of the mall. All the kids were running and screaming to see Santa. Luckily for me I was in the front with my mom and my brother. I watched the kid in front of me hop onto Santa. He had asked for a huge stuffed animal with one thousand eyes. Santa smiled and happily said “ Ho, that will be no problem!” the kid hopped happily out of his lap and gave his mom a huge hug.

It was finally time for my brother and to go. I forced my brother to go first by pushing him into Santa’s lap. My brother was terrified, he didn’t even ask for anything, he sat there shaking like a wet dog. My mom just grabbed him and set him by her side. I rushed over to what I thought was Santa. He pulled me up onto his plump round thighs. He asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I thought hard and long until i felt a slight bubble hit my stomach. My medicine had probably worn off and I was right on
Santa’s lap! My face turned a greenish tint and my stomach began to churn. My mom tried to snatch me out of his lap, but it was to late. I let all of my lunch and breakfast loose. It splattered onto Santa’s suit. He jumped up out of his chair and rushed to the bathroom.

The whole mall was looking and laughing at me, the near by kids were sprinting out of the area! The whole mall was filled with the stanch of beans and cheese. My cheeks turned bright red and I began to cry. My mom took my brother by the hand and carried me out to the car.

All in all, that was the most sickening, embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. Today, I look back at it and laugh. I hope people can relate to my experience.

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on Oct. 5 2009 at 5:26 am
Kitten111 SILVER, Watanobbi, Other
6 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit ..... wisdom is not putting it in fruit salad :P

lol that would have been the worst thing ever :P dont worry i have a alot of things i look back on and at laugh too :)