Calling for gun control equals protecting yourself | Teen Ink

Calling for gun control equals protecting yourself

April 2, 2024
By yixuanc BRONZE, Flushing, New York
yixuanc BRONZE, Flushing, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments















伤心的同时,我内心也有一丝动静。我打开手机,四秒后给朋友发了一条“我好害怕”的信息,“什么?” “死神,今天的大新闻你应该知道些什么!”我点击进入。6秒后“是校园枪击事件吗?是的,我知道”我打字很快“你知道我是学生,就像这些孩子一样,他们也是学生,也会去学校,我们和他们没有区别,他们今天无辜死去,我担心有一天我会成为他们中的一员”,表情符号哭泣。 



I like Mr.President's saying: “That we will not forget,we can do so much more,we have to do more”This sentence gives me hope,which shows that the government and some people are trying to solve this problem.

The time came on March 27, 2023, a busy Monday morning. Thousands of kilometers away from me, a heartbreaking event was happening. 7 hours later, it was exactly 3pm, and I was sitting in front of the computer browsing Youtube. The familiar word "Shooting" appeared in my eyes again. There is also a "Nashville" in front

"What is this place?"

"It's in Tennessee, it's the South"

My body seems to have a kind of PTSD from the word "Shooting". My heart will become heavy and my curiosity will drive me to click on this video.

“Are you sure you want to open it? This will waste your entertainment time! The point is that Nashville is far away from you, and that’s none of your business.”

"No, it's important for me to know this. Even though I'm not from this state, it still has something to do with me. Because I also live in this country."

I clicked on the video,the video opens with the host introducing the entire shooting process. A 28-year-old transgender man killed three 9-year-old children and three adults before being shot to death by two police officers within 15 minutes. After the host finished speaking, the video came to the school surveillance camera at the time. The bright and clean school entrance was suddenly shattered by bullets, and glass was scattered everywhere. Then a trans man wearing a red hood walked into the school over shards of glass, holding a gun longer than his arm.

"I don't think anyone would like to see the color red and a gun at the same time unless it's a cold killer."

I can’t see how this transgender man killed 6 living lives in 15 minutes, and I don’t dare to imagine such a scene. I feel sad for these 6 lives, but at the same time I feel angry. Why can such a person walk into campus with such a long gun unscrupulously? Why would such a person have a gun? How could anyone sell such a dangerous and violent weapon to such an impulsive and cold-blooded person? If there were security personnel at the school gate, if gun sellers could carefully inspect and ask the person about the purpose of buying a gun, and if the country's laws on gun control were more stringent, then these 6 people would not have died, and there might be more than 6 , more people will survive.

"There is no if in the world, the fact is that it cannot be changed"

No one can change what happened, but the future can be changed.

Time has continued to increase, and similar shootings have continued to increase because of time until today. But thanks to the development of the Internet, I can see the efforts of people thousands of miles away to control guns and reduce shootings.











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