Can We Invite J? | Teen Ink

Can We Invite J?

October 5, 2022
By A-V BRONZE, Sacramento, California
A-V BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tell me, please tell me, why does time keep moving faster, I miss the past, hate the present, and I'm scared of the future, why is it so hard for me to move on?"

     After getting home from school and completing homework, I decided to hop on my PS4 to play some Fortnite solos. After a while or so, I get an invitation from one of my friends, A, he’s a tough and rough guy but he’s pretty cool when you get to know him. We play some duos and as time goes by, my other friend, J, comes online and I thought, “LETS GOOOOOO, a third member, we can play squads.” 


     “Yo can we invite J so we can play some squads,” I asked

     A replied, “Yea sure, I don’t mind squads with J, he’s good.”

     J joins the party and we play, we get some W’s and some L’s but it was fun, back-to-back games, and each time we killed an enemy, loot was always a problem between these 2, they would argue and bicker over petty things. I thought, “These fools are too funny and stupid.” But a particular match ended it all.


     A shouts, “That scar (the scar is the name of a gun) is my mine, I got the kill, you better give it to me J.”

     J says, “No way lmao, finders keepers, you weepin loser.”

     J then gets sniped and knocked as I have to revive A since he got knocked out in the battle we had with the enemies, this sets up for A to have his smack talk with J.

     A laughs, “You got knocked out, I will wait for you to die and get that scar for myself, HAHAHAHA.” (A does this stupid laugh but the way he does it is funny)

     After having to revive A, I built a box to protect J and revive him, A didn’t want me to and prevented me, I got annoyed but still laughing because of their fighting but I had to get J because we were doing well, we each had 3+ kills and were top 30 (or around there). We lost unfortunately, the people we went against had RPGs and spammed us.

     We returned to the lobby and J just got mad at A, he raged and A fought back too because he doesn’t let that slide even if he’s in the wrong, but I can’t blame him since A usually starts the problem. I thought, “No way these guys actually fighting and bickering over the pointless of most things because we’re all friends.”

     I yelled, “Can yall just STFU and play, we're supposed to be a squad and yall 2 fighting over something stupid, yall need to stop trolling/fighting each other.”

     And these dudes focused on me expecting me to choose between them, I was scared and nervous to choose because these guys were cool friends of mine, I should’ve never chosen and regretted my decision. In the heat of the moment, I chose A because I knew him longer but a wiser and better choice here would be to abstain/not choose one at all in that moment. I think I should’ve waited and let the argument cooldown since these guys are usually hard-headed but they can work it out but since I chose to fast, it amplified the anger they had and A, taunted J which probably made EVERYTHING worse for my relationship with J, I tried to reconnect with J but the situation was over and I regretted the decision, I should’ve never spoken too soon, but to be the one having to choose was a scary situation, if I had not voted, I’d probably still be friends with both right now. Me and A keep in contact once in a while but I haven’t spoken to him in a few months and J, I don’t know where he is now, but I wish that I knew that not voting and letting the situation cooldown was the best decision I probably could’ve made, I now know to think before I speak.

The author's comments:

I wrote my personal experience as it is one of my favorite mistakes because it was a situation in which I had to learn after the event, I had to think of what would happen in the heat of the moment and how I should think of it, thinking before speaking is kinda powerful if you know what needs to be done as in my situation, these guys were tough and hard-headed but they don't mind change but since I spoke too soon choosing someone, it boosted the situation to an even worse spot for the past me but I've forgiven myself though it is kind of hard because J was pretty cool and I lost a friend.

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