New Year's Resolution | Teen Ink

New Year's Resolution

December 20, 2018
By BeansAndCars2 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
BeansAndCars2 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
4 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Throughout all my years of school, I have always focused on everything else except school. I would always go to school and just talk into class and not do my work. I would go home and just watch T.V. or go on my phone. Which is why I would end up with horrible grades and my parents would be furious with me all the time. So in my New Year's Resolution I plan on focusing on my grades more and to spend less time on my electronics to improve my grades.

  In order to ensure I will follow my New Year's Resolution, I will take various measures to make sure it happens. One step I would take is to do all my work and turn it in. That is one thing that bring my grades down I tend to not do my work or even turn it in so I gotta switch that up. Another step I plan on taking is to study for my tests this is another big thing that takes down my grades I don’t study so I end up bombing my test. Also i plan on getting off my electronics, I spend too many of my time on my phone and watching T.V that I forget about everything else and just lay there for hours so I really need to change that now.

  These steps would benefit me a lot. How they would benefit me is they would give me more free time to spend with family and friends because I wouldn’t have to worry about homework or even my grades because they would be already good. Another way it would benefit me is I would actually have good grades for once and my family would be proud of me and I wouldn’t have to take my classes all over again in high school. Also it would help me with sports how it would help is it would allow me to play in all my games and it would benefit to me in a lot more ways but these are the main ones that i am focusing on.

My New Year’s Resolution will help me amazingly in the future and even now in so many ways. If i follow all of these steps i will succeed in many ways and if I don’t I may not be the person i want to be in the future or even have the career I want in the future so I need to make sure I follow my steps. If i follow this I will not only improve as a student but also as a person.

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