Our View of the World as Children | Teen Ink

Our View of the World as Children

June 21, 2016
By Akiah BRONZE, St.Louis, Missouri
Akiah BRONZE, St.Louis, Missouri
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As a child I remember looking at the world and thinking every thing was beautiful. I looked up at the sky and saw awesomeness. Everything was amazing in my eyes. I remember being 9, I lived in Memphis, TN, in a apartment complex called Goodwill Village. In Memphis, all you could see was nature. There were fields of just green grass, noisy insects and playful children. Whenever you went out side you could see children playing ouside, grown-ups talking about grown up things, and insects and flowers. We had shootings, drive-bys, candy ladies, and children who lived near us with out parents. In the morning, dandelions blew swiftly in the breeze, flowers bloomed with sworms of bees around them, and insects like ladybugs flew everywhere, even into houses, and stayed as guests, and even some as house pets, in the afternoon, everyone would be bar-be-queing as children got out of school and had to either walk home or were picked up by parents (most Memphis schools didn't have a bus route or buses to come pick up and drop students off), and at night, the fields that were empty of children, soon were full of lighting bugs. Some times, we would even catch them in jars and put leaves in the jars, along with sticks and plants to attempt to make a small, livable habitat (that never worked because I don't think lighting bugs eat leaves) I saw this world I lived in as perfect, but something changed that......


I once saw my Dad as a loving father and a all out great guy, but now I see him as a racist, dreaad-headed, smoking, jail bird. Parents try to make the world look as beautiful as possible, but I didn't fall for it, and I changed my perscription in glasses. I saw the world with my new glasses as violent, abusive, and terrible. There was nothing that could change my vision back. I still saw the good, but I saw the bad more vividly than the I could see the good. But do you know why we see the world as we see it, as we get older..... Its because of the school system.


Schools taught us the terrible actions of thw world. They taught us and showed us pictures of poverty, what politics has done, wars it had created, and how people have died by terrorists. They taught us that. But we accepted it and didn't change it. But there were people who could have not created the problem to begin with. Schools taught us, but they also taught the scientists that can see all of the problems of the world, leared and know how to fix thoses probelms, but don't execute those plans to fix the problems. But why? We can't just blame schools for our problems though becuase at one point, there were no schools, and people learned as they lived life, not from the prople that lived before them. At one point, people thought fighting for land, and over food was a good idea, instead of sharing it to where no one had to die. People thought fighting to the death fixed peoblems, but how would killing people fix problems? It may fix your problem you had with that person, but what happens when their family members find out you're the person that killed thier beloved uncle JoJo? This is when things get complicated because revenge comes into the situation which leads to more killing, which since we haven't figured out yet, helps nothing at all and only creates more probelms. People thought just because some one was different than them they should be turned into slaves and made to work until thier flesh fell off thier skin. They once thought separating two different colors of people would help keep down how much one color did, but that never did work now did it? How can scientists know so much about curing deseases, but not be able to cure the one thing that plagues us most.........cruelty?

The author's comments:

I was bored.

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