The Happiest Place on Earth | Teen Ink

The Happiest Place on Earth

January 29, 2016
By knajor BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
knajor BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

When I was turning nine, my parents decided to do a family trip to Disney World for my birthday. My family goes to Disney World every year. It is always the best trip of the year, we have so much joy in our faces. There is nothing like seeing the fireworks right above the castle and feeling like you're in a fairytale. Or the excitement we get when going on Space Mountain, I can always feel my heart beating out of my chest through the twists and turns. Disney World is the happiest place on earth!

Growing up the youngest of 6 girls was a blessing and a curse. I always had someone to hang out with, but I also had many people telling me what to do. Nonetheless, my sisters have always been there for me, and it wouldn’t be the same without all of them. I was hoping all my sisters could go on this trip with me, but unfortunately, I found out that my sisters, Marissa and Brittany, couldn’t go. They could not miss class for college. I was upset to hear this and wanted them to go so badly. Marissa and Brittany always take care of me, especially when I was younger, they were like a second mom, and would always watch out for me. They are my role models. They can make anytime fun and without them, it wouldn't feel the same. But my parents explained to me that they had to be at school, and I had to be okay with it.

We were one day into the trip and it was the night before my birthday. Our hotel was on a manmade beach, and we were hanging out on the sand. It was completely dark, and the movie, High School Musical was playing. My sisters, Bonnie, Hillary, Cassie, and I were dancing to the song, “We’re All In This Together”. While I was dancing, I saw my dad sneak away out of the corner of my eye. I kept playing around and then somebody came up behind me and squeezed the side of my stomach. I screamed, I could feel my heart leap out of my chest. Then I turned around to see my sisters, Marissa and Brittany. I was in such shock and then a tear came down my face. I was crying, and not sad tears but the happiest tears anyone could imagine. I jumped into their arms and gave them the biggest hugs. I couldn’t believe they surprised me for my birthday. Once they arrived, it felt like everything was coming together.

This trip taught me how to remember the good times and to never take my family for granted. I don’t think I realized at the time that this trip would be one that our family would cherish for the rest of our lives. This is a memory that we still talk about today. My family is very close and because there is so many of us, it never gets boring in our household. They mean the world to me, and they hold a very special place in my heart. My parents did so much to make my birthday wish come true, and I am forever grateful for it. I will never forget that memory and I know I can always count on my family.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 2 2016 at 11:16 am
maumayer BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments
This is such a touching story!