My Vote was Fought for | Teen Ink

My Vote was Fought for

October 23, 2019
By Anonymous

Kids my age and older do not even know what people went through so we can be here sitting in these desks right now. Veterans are the ones who paved the way for us, they paved the path and we walk among it. Sacrifice is something everyone does everyday, but the ones who made the ultimate sacrifice are the strongest. Veterans do not obtain glory from the people of America because the people don’t know the heartache and hardships all the men went through. 

Hours of obstacles to overcome. These veterans are mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters , aunts , uncles, grandfathers, and grandmothers. That is what we the people overlook the passion they have for this country. Their patriotism is everlasting. They don’t pledge themselves because it’s their duty, they have a strong belief that this country is worth fighting for. They are the ones who volunteer to be one step ahead in protection.

 The faith, love and patriotism in every veteran’s heart. That is what we overlook everyday and don’t realize it. Veterans put everything on the battlefield and experience the tragedies and the awful things war brings. They still are the light at the end of the tunnel for this country to be able to do all this and still have the same strong believes in this country to serve and protect is truly amazing. After spending years of their life dedicated to us as citizens, we as citizens should pay it back to them by giving them what they deserve.

 America is beautiful, and our veterans had a huge impact on making America beautiful. Every night you sleep in a warm bed with all your comforts of home surrounding you. Then the next day you go to school and watch the clock until it's time to leave. You complain about the small things, or the people you don't like. People complain about wifi not working or getting reception on their phones. Veterans are our building blocks of this country’s freedom. Now when I walk up to finalize my vote I know it means something , that it was fought for.

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