My Hero | Teen Ink

My Hero

December 13, 2009
By volleyball_qt13 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
volleyball_qt13 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“The 2009 State Champions…..Cleburne FFA!” We all jumped to our feet screaming, hugging, and high-fiving. Our Radio Broadcast Team walked across the stage to receive our banner and to shake the hands of the Texas state FFA officers. It was an exciting and joyous moment for me, my five team mates, and our teacher, Mr. McClure. Our teacher had been telling us for months that we were the best radio team in Texas and we had been waiting the same amount of time to prove to him that not only we were the best but that he was the by far the best Agriculture teacher in the state of Texas.

Mr. McClure is a very encouraging and matter of fact teacher. In an Agriculture Science class students learn many different things from horticulture to wildlife and from home maintenance to metal fabrication. I took the Home Maintenance class last year. He taught us lessons about tools, home electrical work and plumbing. He told us the rules and encouraged us as we performed the tasks. One day we went around the class an checked the electrical outlets and we also learned how to set an electrical switch to a light fixture. It was hard work and the entire class would mess up and have to restart, but with each attempt to hook up the light fixture and switch Mr. McClure would give us words of encouragement, tell us how we messed up, and how to fix the problem.

My FFA advisor/teacher is not only a huge part of our FFA organization but he was also the President of the Vocational Agriculture Teacher Association of Texas last year. Mr. McClure is also the voice of Cleburne Yellow Jacket football. He has been the announcer at the football games for as long as I can remember. Mr. McClure also has the students in his FFA classes compete in speaking contest through out the community. The students have opportunities to speak at the Lions Club and Rotary Club annually. Because of Mr. McClure we have the chance to show animals at major livestock shows and our county livestock show. Mr. McClure spends many hours at the barn helping students with their animals and medicating the sick livestock. Mr. McClure is very active in the community and in our school.

Mr. McClure has been teaching at Cleburne High School for over 20 years. He has helped form one of the largest FFA chapter in the state of Texas of +300 members. He has spent as much time in the classroom helping students as outside the classroom. Mr. McClure coaches Leadership and Career Development Events. This year alone he won his fourth Radio Broadcast Championship in twelve years. Mr. McClure believes in investing in young peoples lives. He encourages the student to do well in school as in extracurricular events. Mr. McClure is my hero.

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