22 | Teen Ink


December 2, 2008
By Anonymous

I’ve had over 22 dogs. I have 4 dogs there Lasa Apsos, Chinese imperials and Shi Shu
My mom is a dog breeder. We have four dogs with us right now.

They are as big as a pug. It is my opinion that there better to have than a pug. They can get very furry. They do not shed. I have had three Frankie, Yoyo, Frankie. I have two dogs named Frankie because that name is so perfect for a dog. My dog that I have right now his name is Yoyo. He is almost one year old. He is brown with white. I walk him every day he does need more training. I can keep him off the leash with out him running away. He loves to sleep in my bed he always lays sideways so I have to move him so I can sleep.
The cutest was dog Brought. He was very small. All the dogs picked on Him. But he always wanted to play. Since he was so small he had a breathing problem.

Another one of our dogs is a Chinese impearl. Her name is Chi she is also almost one. She is as big as a teacup yorky. She sadly eats poop. She likes to lick a lot. She does not like food. She is very hipper she jumps around a lot she is also scared of rain and snow.

That is my live with dogs I left out two dogs out which are zida (z) and marly.
They are two years old and love to lick. Z will jump on you. Watch Out!

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