The Unfortunate Game | Teen Ink

The Unfortunate Game

January 21, 2009
By Anonymous

My friend and I decided to go to our school rival’s hockey game. My friend’s cousin was playing on the team. We were wearing his jerseys that said his school name on the front and his name and number on the back.
My friend’s mom and aunt came with us. My friend’s aunt said, “You guys should go sit by the kids over there.”
My friend and I walked over to the other side of the stands, sat down, and the game started.
We were saying the whole first period, someone from our school is going to come and see us wearing these jerseys. Our luck, at the end of the 1st period, the head hockey coach with three guys from our school’s varsity hockey team walked into the room.
We didn’t no what to do, all we wanted was for them not to notice us. Unfortunately, they did. I knew two of the guys with the teacher and I knew the teacher. It was very embarrassing and uncomfortable.
They looked and stared at us awkwardly as they passed.
Luckily for my friend and me, they didn’t say anything to us.
At the end of the game, my friend and I sprinted to my friend’s Mom and Aunt. We told them what happened, they laughed.
We look back at what happened that night, and we laugh, but it was still a very embarrassing moment.

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