Angel at 17 | Teen Ink

Angel at 17

October 20, 2008
By Anonymous

It’s always parents worse nightmare to get that phone call late at night, to hear that there child was in a accident and that they needed to come up to the hospital. People who have never gone through it can only imagine what they are going through. You start to think Oh God are they okay? How did it happen? Was it alcohol related? Was it there fault? All you can do is hope and pray that they are okay. You drive as fast as you can up to the hospital, Run up to their room only to find that there hooked up to machines and fighting for their life. You break down in tears asking God why, why your child? You call friends and family to tell them the news. You begin to wish that you could take their place. The doctor comes in to the room and starts to talk to you about taking them off life support cause they have a slim chance of making it. You look over to were your child is laying and ask yourself if you should let them go or try to keep them a little bit longer to see if they pull through. What parent should have to decide that life changing decision? You finally decide to take them off of life support and hope that they will pull through on their own. Only to have to start making funeral arrangement that next day. Funeral day comes and you see all their classmates there. You stand up to give a speak about what your child was like growing up as a kid and how everyone loved them. You begin to cry cause the pain you feel inside is so strong. After laying you child to rest you hear in the wind, "I’m okay mom I’m not hurting anymore, I’m home." You know in your heart you made the right decision.

Dedicated to my Aunt who lost her only

Daughter at the age of 17.



September 27, 1977 - December 7, 1994

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