The First Day of Junior High | Teen Ink

The First Day of Junior High

September 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Uhhh… getting up, was not pleasant it was boring but sooner than soon, my friends were out the door on the way to school. My friend reanne is one of the most laid back friends that I know. Jenifer is one of the most creative people that I have ever met. Sarah is the nicest friend I know well, most of the time she is nice. And finally Natasha, she is pretty much one of the funniest person I have ever been friends with.

We got there and before we were there in the lunchroom eating. All of a sudden the bell rang and I couldn’t even see the door out of the cafeteria. Strangely in the next five minutes was in w.s ready to go.

Beep screamed the bell; well the teacher was nice I will like that class. on to the next class. ‘Scuse me, pardon me ok we go on to the next class. Of course the next class was computer app 1. Only thirty minutes long of course it flashed by. it was very boring and my friends agreed. I was on the way on to my next class, and I got there and realized that it was break and by the time I got to the cafeteria where all my friends were the bell rang. So I was on my way to math do the same book. It of course was boring and it was boring because I am not challenged enough anymore.

Anyways, after math I went to orchestra. That was probably the best class of the day until I got to English. And it of course went by slowly because it was really boring and I already know every thing that I was being taught and finally, the bell rang ok onto my next class wish was gym. We just talked about working round the rest of the year and when the bell rang I got to meet the English teacher (Mr. Hoetker). his class was the funnest because everyone was happy and it felt original

After the bell rang and school was over I thought “gee I don’t Jr. High will be that bad after all.” And got my stuff out of my locker went to my friend’s locker and we went home. When I got home I was bored.


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