Ignition | Teen Ink


September 2, 2008
By Anonymous

My trust was taken for granted. Why? Those who cared, nurtured, and taught us to love them as a rule, thought that once we crossed it, childhood, it would become habit. We thought that the constant I LOVE YOUs would always signify that no matter what unfathomable act happens next, they would always be there for you. When the unfathomable act happens, no matter what it is, why aren’t they there for you? Did their selfishness take over their functions, or were their words in the past all lies?

Trust is not something you expect from any given person. It something that builds over time, no matter how long it is, that shows you believe in that other person. Something that over time can break, but over time it can ignite. Ignite into something worth living for.

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