Beaches of Life | Teen Ink

Beaches of Life

February 15, 2008
By Anonymous

We are not the first nor will we be the last of mankind to walk on the beaches of life. Yet, the tide comes and washes away our footprints. Along comes the next generation looking for the same meaning and purpose of life. Just like King Authors Knights, endlessly searching, yet finding nothing. Mankind is now exploring the universe, always finding uncharted areas.
Yet our TRUE knowledge and understand of ourselves remains the same. Could it be that mankind looks outward because he is unable to look inward, afraid of what he might see? Example: Should not the world rejoice when two people find true love. But, it is only OK if they are of the right sex not the same, age, ethic background, religion etc. As for Religion, Israeli, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestinians all killing each other in God’s name, and how long has this been going on I wish you well on your quest, but you shall not be alone.
The hearts and souls of others will always be with you. And when you find PEACE OF MIND and LOVE IN THE HEART it is greater than all time and space that keeps you away from the ones you have touched along the way. 2PAC said it best “Only God can Judge Me”. Peace and love to all.

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