At War | Teen Ink

At War MAG

By Anonymous

Ever since I was two I have had limited contact with my biological father. After my parents separated, I visited him every summer. But I had no idea how much I cared about him until that one summer day.

My dad showed up dressed in his military uniform and told me he was going away for a while. I was confused and didn’t understand why. He told me to be strong and he promised I would see him again. As I got older I realized that he had gone to war, and in my eyes it wasn’t fair.

Last year he was called to serve his country again. I was more mature, and I understood why he had to leave. It is so hard to sleep at night when you worry about those you love. I couldn’t watch the news without seeing what was happening in Iraq. I was so afraid that he would not come back, but, fortunately he made it back fine.

Once again, this summer he was called for yet another tour. Now he will be even farther away than he was before. When I heard this, I hung up the phone and began to cry. Then I stopped and remembered what he said when I was younger: “Be strong.” And so I wait patiently for his return so I can tell him how proud I am to be his son.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 4 2009 at 4:31 am
Very Touching!! Keep writing!