No Ordinary Bag | Teen Ink

No Ordinary Bag

May 21, 2009
By Rachael Foster BRONZE, Moultrie, Georgia
Rachael Foster BRONZE, Moultrie, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes what is referred to as common and ordinary becomes an unremarkable insight to life.

While sitting in my car at a stop light one starry February night, my eye caught hold of a peculiar object not belonging to the air in which I had sighted it. A plastic bag. The wind scooped the bag up, up, up and away high into the starry abyss; then, when the breeze lost interest, it would parachute slowly back to the safety of the ground. The light turns green, mesmerized by the bag, I remained frozen.

A coffee shop, a gas station, a thrift store, a supermarket- where did this bag come from? Furthermore, where is its destination- a blissful life full of beauty and benevolence, or a terrible life full of turmoil and torture? Rain, hail, sleet, snow, exasperating heat, intense cold- no obstacle is unconquerable.
No ordinary bag. This bag came to me as a massage in a bottle reminding me the one can never take life too seriously. Though plans sometimes fail and goals sometimes change, don’t get discouraged; go with the flow. In the end everything will make sense, and it will all be worth it.

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