Live Your Life to the Fullest | Teen Ink

Live Your Life to the Fullest

April 19, 2017
By mmurcko20 BRONZE, Park City, Utah
mmurcko20 BRONZE, Park City, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The average lifespan of an American is a short seventy-eight year. That's seventy-eight years to make your impact on the world. Seventy-eight years to make your memories and share your stories, if you are going to live life to the fullest, you better start today. We take for granted the simplest of things, like breathing. You take in about 28,800 breaths in a day, but how many of the breaths are you paying attention to.

Living my life to the fullest is one of the things I would like to focus on more. Everyday second I spend wasting my time on that one-second I could have spent helping myself become a better me. Although there is no defended way to “live your life to the fullest” here are some ways you can improve on making your life better.

Focus more on you. What I mean about that is you can’t control many aspects of your life. I can’t control how tall I am or what size my shoe is, but I can control how I focus on me. Most people might be confused about this. Well, focus on you is putting time aside to recognize the amazing human you are, putting time aside to do things you love. If you enjoy sports make time for sports, or if you like reading make time for you. Living your life to the fullest means that when you grow old you will have stories to share, memories to look make on, and good times to remember. 

The author's comments:

This is about how to take the most out of everyday and live your life to the fullest

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