Letter to Wisconsin Veteran | Teen Ink

Letter to Wisconsin Veteran

March 6, 2017
By 7Dahlman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
7Dahlman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Wisconsin Veteran,

50 stars, 13 stripes, red, white, and blue. Freedom. Without you I would not be able to stand up in the front of my math class every morning at 7:30 a.m. and say the Pledge of Allegiance with my peers. I would not be able to speak my mind, or roam freely throughout our country. Without you, there would be no progression and this country would be in an atrocious state.

My name is Spencer Dahlman. I am 18 years old and a senior in high school. Let me start by saying it is an absolute honor to be writing to you. Saying thank you would not do justice what you have done for me and our entire country. The sacrifices you had to make to travel across the world to defend our country is something needs to be commended and applauded. Your audacity is unbelievable.

I plan on going to the University of Nebraska next year to get a degree in Marketing. I look forward to starting a family, and living a happy life. Being told that I cannot do that anymore and that I will be shipped overseas would be heartbreaking. When this happened to you, your life must have been turned upside down. I cannot begin to fathom not being able to talk to my family. I would love to hear how you made everything possible. I will leave my email below.   

Washington is an incredible place. I have never been in such awe of how so many important things and so many important people are only a few blocks from each other. The monuments are breathtaking and seeing them in person gave me a new respect for the term freedom. Seeing American flags lining the streets and all around the city is all the reassurance that we live in the greatest country on the face of this planet, thanks to you.

In today's generation, I understand how people see kids my age as disconnected and totally technology obsessed. But I just want to let you know that me and my fellow peers have the downright most respect for you and the fellow members of the Greatest Generation. I cannot begin to tell you how grateful and thankful I am for people such as yourself.

I hope you enjoyed your time in Washington today. You deserve it. Thank you again. God Bless.

Spencer D.

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