The Lake, The Music, The Love on Memorial Day | Teen Ink

The Lake, The Music, The Love on Memorial Day

September 28, 2016
By kenmarie GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
kenmarie GOLD, Waukesha, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“With liberty and justice for all.” America is a country where anything is possible. America is where the little things mean the most. Liberty is the way you feel when you see a newborn puppy, or how you burst into jubilant tears because of your promotion at work. These experiences are possible because soldiers take their last breath honoring the glory of the red, white, and blue.

The lake. My rubber flip flops step onto the creaking dock boards. The rambunctious teenagers beam while flying fast down the middle of the bay. The cooler bursts with cool, crisp cans, as the frost melts down the side. Looking around, grasping tranquility, I stare into the flourishing, favorable sun on Memorial Day. I snuggle into my momma’s lap as she wraps me in her warm towel. I stare at her Ralph Lauren sweater with one red, white, and blue flag.

The music. The old crusted stereo on the boat plays more than just songs. “Give me a beat boy, free my soul I wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away!” shouts loud over the sound of jet ski’s and boats that pass our way. The breeze feels right. Freedom is in the music. Escaping from the world, I feel the country soul “brought to you courtesy of the red, white, and blue.”

The love. My family gathers from Chicago, New Jersey, Georgia, and even Colombia. On Memorial Day, we treasure being together. We sit around the wooden circle table laughing while playing Monopoly. We share stories from our past and present, and look forward to the future with each other. Love on Memorial Day is being with your family, and honoring the red, white, and blue.

We honor those who lost their lives to give us the freedom we have. Memorial Day allows me to be thankful for my liberty, and for all the things I wouldn’t have if it were not for our fallen soldiers and their commitment to the red, white, and blue.

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