Society Against Self Expression | Teen Ink

Society Against Self Expression

October 26, 2015
By KatieKilljoy SILVER, Franklin, Tennessee
KatieKilljoy SILVER, Franklin, Tennessee
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all hear not to judge others, and that we should be true to ourself... But society doesn't exactly encourage these morals, do they?


They tell us we are all beautiful, but then criticize our weight.


We are told all about gender equality yet straight men can't wear makeup with out being called gay in a negative tone.


Everyone is allowed to have an opinion but god forbid if it differs from the majority. 


What are we if no one has a single face? Are we all two faced people that venomously attack others exactly like us? Is that who we truly want to be?


Why do we say one thing, and do another? What is the point!?


Society encourages people to be themselves but then shames them for it! This world loves to build people up, sit back, and watch them fall. I can't understand the reasoning behind this. 


No one deserves to be judged, shunned, or shamed for being an individual. 




So why do we do it?

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