Feedback on Labels We Live By | Teen Ink

Feedback on Labels We Live By

January 23, 2018
By firstlovves SILVER, Brooklyn , New York
firstlovves SILVER, Brooklyn , New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Labels We Live By,” written by Anudeepa R. speaks about the main problem I have with society. Written in first person, Anudeepa touches upon her own personal experiences when she couldn't seem to fit in. When she rehearsed for her solo performance at Carnegie Hall, she noticed the other performers were so different from her. Anudeepa wasn't light skinned and didn't have blue or green colored eyes. Her family wasn’t rich. There was no aura of entitlement around her. She was just her own self.

Society tends to neglect outcasts. Outcasts are the people who don't fit in because they're different. But they can't help it. They can't simply change themselves when someone tells them to. We judge because we forget to stop the sudden rush of thoughts that flow from our minds. Sometimes we just can't help it since it’s something we automatically do, but we need to pause and block all the unnecessary judgements. Everyone should be respected for being a real version of themselves no matter what label society confines them with.

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