Feedback on "Animal Testing is Unnecessary" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Animal Testing is Unnecessary"

December 9, 2015
By noserp GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
noserp GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Reading "Animal Testing is Unnecessary" by Becca Delzer has really opened my eyes to the horrors that so many animals go through in the labortory. Becca grabs readers' attention by vividly describing what it is like to be a test subject. She states, "Everyday you wake up to the screams and pained moans of prisoners as they are tortured in the name of science." Shocking details like this drew me into the piece and made me want to read more. Becca goes on to give her argument about why animal testing should not be used in science. She uses relevant evidence and facts to support her claims that animals are mistreated and abused and that there are more efficient, humane alternatives for test subjects. Overall, this essay is well-written, organized and does an excellent job of persuading readers.

Before reading this piece, I had no idea that animal test subjects were treated with such cruelty and given no anesthetics. Because I am a huge animal lover, I found details such as "The extreme pain often causes them to struggle so severely that they break their own backs..." shocking and difficult to read. I am glad that Becca included these details, however, because now I know just how badly we torture these animals. I completely agree with Becca that animal testing should no longer be in use. Especially when we have better options why do we still choose to make innocent animals suffer? Thank you for writing this, Becca, because people should be aware of the true evils of animal testing.

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