Response to Throw Awat the Makeup | Teen Ink

Response to Throw Awat the Makeup

February 15, 2012
By Abbey25 BRONZE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Abbey25 BRONZE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
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Heaven dose not want me, Hell's afraid I'll take over, and Earth has a restraining order.

I agree completely with Amy Gofton’s article, “Throw Away the Makeup”. I have never seen any appeal to makeup, and as a Junior I have never worn any, even though most girls in my grade do.

Makeup is bad for your skin, causing acne, which, ironically is what a lot of makeup is used to cover. It may also be unhealthy for you in general. Your skin is your largest organ, and it absorbs everything you touch, including makeup, making wearing makeup a health hazard. The only real use I can find for it is for actors, and for Halloween.

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