Rainforests Need Protection | Teen Ink

Rainforests Need Protection

May 18, 2018
By RubyL SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
RubyL SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

More than ½ the worlds plant, and animal species live in the rainforest!  The rainforest make up 31% of the earth's land surface, and forty percent of earth's oxygen supply, says Rhett Butler, on January 26, 2016, in the article “Amazon Wildlife”.  It is a beautiful place to travel, and take a glimpse of the animal world.  But each second, an area the size of a football field is being destroyed.  Over 2,000 trees are being cut down per minute, says “explore our rainforests” published on August 17, 2017.  And it is our fault.  Logging is the main reason we cut down trees, and the rainforest is the first place we will go to meet our fine needs for lumber.  Out of the 2,000 trees we cut down per minute, we only use a couple good ones to build, furniture, and create paper.  There are huge effects we have caused in the rainforest, such as deforestation, animals being affected, the benefits of the rainforest, what we can do to help our mother nature .


Deforestation comes in many different varieties, such as fires, clearing-cutting for agriculture, and logging for timber.  Everyday, this impacts people's livelihoods, and threats a wide range of the plant and animal species.  We are loosing 18.7 million acres of forest annually, says “Deforestation, Where is the world loing most of their trees?”, written on March 23, 2016, by Ashley Kirk.  Next, Rainforests play a huge role in the earth's climate control.  Rainforests suck up carbon dioxide, which would otherwise be in the earth's atmosphere.  15% of greenhouse gas emissions are because of deforestation.  In the Amazon alone, 17% of the forest has been lost in the past 50 years due to ranching cattle.  Cattling ranching is the main reason for deforestation, wiping down over 80% of what used to be there.  Cattling ranching is huge down in Brazil, transporting many beef products to the Americas.  Impacts of cattle ranching in the rainforest was finally published by the late 1980’s.  Since this is Brazil’s biggest export, it was difficult for the government to take notice to this issue.  They barely even touched on the subject.  In the early 2000’s, cattling ranching again became a huge export in brazil, opening new shipping ports, and creating more land while cutting down the Amazon rainforest.  Many of these issues can be resolved, only if we take action now.  Deforestation could have a huge impact on us, and wildlife in the next century.
10 million species of plants, animals, and insects live in the rainforest, well that we know of.  I mean, that's a lot!  But because of deforestation, we are putting their own lives in danger.  200 insects, plant, and mammal species become extinct every 24 hours, says the Huffington Post, published on March 25, 2014.  Sadly, the rate is greater then the world has experienced since the dinosaurs, which was 65 million years ago.  A very large population of mammals and plants are becoming extinct to this day, but the orangutan, elephant, and the rhino are the main culprits for the coming extinction.  The orangutan are three types of species of great apes that have already been disappearing due to lack of shelter.  Many of them have died off in the last couple of years due to fires, and deforestation.  They only live on the island rain forests of Borneo and Sumatra in Southeast Asia, because of the huge decrease in habitat.  The orangutan were actually considered to be one species, but in 1996, they were divided into two species; Bornean, and the Sumatran orangutan.  Next, the the Sumatran elephant.  The Sumatran elephant, a native to the rainforests of Indonesia, are critically endangered.  There are 2,400 Sumatran elephants left on the planet.  In 2012 over half the population died because their loss of habitat, and illegally kill them for their tusks, or commonly known as poaching says World Wildlife Fund, published on April 12, 2016.  Lastly, the Sumatran rhino.  The Sumatran is the most endangered species of rhino on the planet.  Because of poaching, the numbers have decreased more than 70% over the last 20 years. The species has been declared extinct in many parts of the world, such as Malaysia.  There are only 100 rhinos left, and can only be found in Indonesia.  Many animals are seeing the effects of the declining rainforest, such as orangutan, the Sumatran elephant, and the Sumatran rhino.  Most of these animals will go extinct unless we do something now, such as: donate to the world wildlife fund, and even getting your voice out for others to hear.

The rainforest is very important, because it helps support tribal people, provides home for millions of animals, and plants,  and is a very amazing place to visit.  First, the rainforest supports many tribals.  There are about 50 million tribes living in the worlds rainforests that depend on its food and water.  There are three main tribes: The Pygmy tribe, the Huli tribe, and the Yanomami tribe, says Tropical Rainforest, posted on June 12, 2012.  All three tribes have a population over 30,000, and all depend on the resources we keep destroying.  Next, the animals and plants.  The rainforest is home to millions of plants and animals.  The main plants are ferns moss and wildflowers, which all of them help the environment in some way, such as produce oxygen and create habits for other living things.  Dozens of species of monkeys, sloths, and jaguars are the main animals that populate the rainforest.  The rainforest is very important for these animals because of the climate.  It always receives a good source of sunlight, and it provides a great place for plants to grow and live.  Lastly, the rainforest is an amazing plan to visit.  The rainforest is a very popular place to visit because of the people, and remoteness.  Many love to see how others live in a different lifestyle, and see how they can adapt to it.  The rainforest is very remote, so many love to explore places that others have never seen before.  Tribal people, home for animals and plants, and a charming place to visit, are the three main reason the rainforest is important to us, and the globe. 

We can do lots to help the rainforest, but we choose not to.  We can teach others the importance of our environment, establish parks to protest the forest, and stop buying chocolate!  First, teaching others about the environment is very important because it will help others realize it helps us breath!  The environment is home to every living thing, and it sound to me that it is very important, says “Green living, published by Vijayalaxmi Kinhal, on April 20, 2016.  Second, establishing national, or wildlife parks would protect the forest from deforestation, because it would be considered government property.  If the government owns wildlife parks, the rainforest would be in stable condition, and would help others who live or travel to that park of the world. Lastly, stop buying chocolate!  I know that will never happen, because let's be honest, everyone loves chocolate!  But, buying chocolate is very harmful to the animals, and people of the rainforest.  Cocoa beans come from the rainforest, and are collected by deforestation.  Which is ruining the forest and killing of plants and animals.  The chocolate industry is huge, and way too big to stop, but it is worth everyone's time to read about it and maybe even bring attention to this subject.  The importance of the environment, establishing parks, and not buying chocolate are a few of the hundreds of things we can do to protect the rainforest.

Deforestation, The animals being affected, the benefits of the rainforest are many reasons we need to start paying attention to what we are doing to the forests.  The paragraph “What we can do to help” describes some of the many thing we can do to help protect our mother nature, and what is happening to them if we don’t act fast.  Rainforests need protection whether you see it or not, destroying part of our home will slowly kill us.  It is a spectacular place to see thousands of species of plants and animals, but each day, we ruin that.  We cut down trees we need to breath.  We kill animals that have lived on the planet longer than us.  We don’t even see it.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece becuase it is a real global issue.  Rainforst are very important for our climate control and just beautiful in general.  I hope that others will see the effects we do to the rainforest before it is it late to do anything.

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