The Same As You | Teen Ink

The Same As You

April 29, 2015
By Cheeze1111 SILVER, Conifer, Colorado
Cheeze1111 SILVER, Conifer, Colorado
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One man's craziness is one man's reality"-Tim Burton



No room to move around.

Not being able to stretch your arms and legs.

This is the life of an animal in a factory farm.

Animals in factory farms live a life that’s not worth living.

Chickens are held in cages the size of a standard piece of paper. Cows are given hormones and corn feed (cows aren't supposed to eat corn) that they may become so fat they can’t even stand up. If they break a leg and no longer can walk when being loaded onto a truck that is dark, cold, and crowded they are picked up by a forklift and thrown into the metal cage on wheels. They don’t care if your food is cold, scared, or injured. All they care about is the money they get for your helpless hamburger. The companies don't even care that most of the meat is from downed cows.

Just think about giving birth, then immediately getting your baby ripped away from you, never knowing where it went or what they’re doing to it.

When a baby cow is torn away from its mother, it’s almost starved for three months then slaughtered. Both the calf and the mother suffer terrible trauma. The female calves live the life of suffering that their mother goes through. Being falsely impregnated every 10 months and living in their own feces.  Male calves are sent to become veil. They are tortured and killed so that you can you to pay twenty dollars and eat her for only one meal. That’s what YOU do when you eat veal.

You say you can’t live without bacon, but do you know what it goes through for you to eat those crispy strips? Pigs in factory farms live horrible lives. Only a week after birth, pigs are castrated, de-tailed, and their ears are mutilated and tagged with numbers while they are awake. After a month or two of living in a cage too small to even turn around, their bodies get too heavy for their own legs to hold them up. These animals, who have been scientifically proven to be smarter than dogs, are put in the back of a truck to be put in an even more cramped truck on their way to be killed. In these trucks they are stacked on top of one another. At the end of the short ride to their doom, many pigs have already broken limbs because of the weight of the other pigs and many die of dehydration. The pigs then are unloaded and sent to slaughter. In order to control the pigs, they use eclectic rods to point them in the direction that they want. When the time comes for them to be killed, they are boiled alive for hair removal. Did you know that most animals survive this? Then comes blood draining. They are hung upside-down and punctured in the neck. Their blood drained from their bodies while most of them are still alive. Since pigs are so intelligent, they are aware of what’s happening and witness the slaughtering of the pigs before them.  If they are young enough, they are slammed head first onto the concrete floor. This is done so that they don’t waste company feed. The common life span of a pig in its natural habitat is 15 years; In a factory farm, they only live for 6 months.

If the cows and pigs were not enough, then let's talk about chickens. When a chicken is born, it is checked to see if it is a boy or a girl. If it’s a girl, it is sent to a factory farm for either a life of pain in the meat industry or to lay eggs in the egg industry. Males do not have a market need and will be killed by suffocation, braking of his neck, or by being stomped on. In the early stages of life, chickens are de-beaked. This is done because animals who is kept in a cage too small and stands on other dead animals tend go insane. This leads the animal to cannibalism. They de-beak chickens so that they don't peck the other chickens to death. In order to fatten the chickens to meet consumers demands they feed them hormones and even other chicken body parts. After an egg hen has laid it's last egg, it's sent to slaughter to feed the other chickens. Think about you dresser drawer at home. Now put 10 chickens in it. That's the amount of room egg laying hens get at any given time. Chickens are supposed to run around peck at the ground, graze, and socialize. But chickens in factory farms will never do this.  Instead, they will spend their life in a metal cage. Their little feet will never know a feeling other than cold, hard metal.

Thinking about this can give an animal a life worth living. 

The author's comments:

Please hel there are so many animals suffering.

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