Beat the Bully | Teen Ink

Beat the Bully

January 16, 2015
By Mbrown BRONZE, Roanoke, Virginia
Mbrown BRONZE, Roanoke, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bullying. What's up with that? Every year the number of people getting bullied in school and online increases more and more. This has long-term effects on a teenager's school years and social life. School staff, parents of students, and other adults throughtout every community can help kids protect themselves and others from bullying in schools and online by talking about it, building safe school environments, and creating bullying prevention programs in all communities. Bulling has been a huge issue for many years and we need to take serious action to put it to an end.

Bulling comes in many forms; from cyberbullying that occurs online, in text messages, and in emails, or bullying that occurs in  schools. This causes depression, lack of physical and emotional safety at school, affects their ability to learn, causes drug and alcohol problems, and could possibly lead to suicide. It not only affects the vitims getting bullied, but it also affects the bully and bystander in these situations. The bully and bystander are at risk for dropping out, drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety, and drepression (US Department of Health & Human Services). There are many ways to protect yourself and others from both bullying and the effects of bullying. You always need to think about what you say or post before going through with it, listen to your parents on what they have to say about what isn't of is okay to do both online and in school, and you can always talk to a trusted adult if you're getting bullied or see someone else getting bullied. People need to speak up now so we can put an end to this issue COMPLETELY.

Speaking up for yourself or defending someone you see gettign bullied is never and easy thing to do for anyone. No one seems to have the courage to do that because they are too scared of what people will think of them for defending someone of what would happen to them if they told someone about it. This all changed for me when i lost someone i knew from mutual friends and social media sites. He committed suicide because of being bullied in school and online from multiple people. Even though i didnt really know him personally or talk to him, it still had a huge impact on me. Losing a life because someone wants to make them feel so bad about their selves that they don't want to live anymore is absolutely outrageous. Bullying today is somthing that is becoming overlooked, when this shouldnt even be an issue we are having.

Bullying is somthing that's happening everywhere, at every school and on every social media site. You may not think it is happening because you dont see it, but it is and it causes all the victims to have long-lasting effects or even to commit suicide. Speaking up should be the initial reaction from anyone who witnesses someone getting bullied or is being bullied. No matter what the circumstances are immediately tell your parents, teacher, principal, etc., and let them take care of it from there. By doing something as simple as speaking up, you can save the lives of many people. Make a difference, be the difference, make a change.

Work Cited: "Effects of Bullying." Effects of Bullying. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan 2015.

The author's comments:

I hope this will start a chain reaction. Hopefully someone will speak up after reading this if they are getting bullied or see it happening to someone else. To many lives are being lost due to bullying, and it need to be stopped.

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