Words are Words | Teen Ink

Words are Words

October 22, 2014
By Alongmore GOLD, Merton, Wisconsin
Alongmore GOLD, Merton, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Words are Words
Bullying comes in all different forms from cyber to physical. Those who are constantly bullied are pushed to their breaking points. Which could potentially cause self harm, or harm to others. Why does bullying have to exist?
Bullying occurs because the bully has a lack of self confidence and is insecure. The bully strives for attention and power they receive from their peers from their actions. The bully targets the ones who are outcasts, physically weak, or easily intimidated.
Who does the bullying? It’s started by the ring leader who then gets other peers to join in the act. Unfortunately, the people who view the act of bullying, or the bystanders, don’t do anything or are too afraid to take action because they fear they might become a new target.
Bullying doesn’t just occur in school, but also on social networks. With the uprising of many different social networks, more and more kids have been bullied. I believe it is easier to bully over the internet because then the bully is hiding behind the computer, instead of face to face contact. Growing up, I witnessed cyber bullying first hand. She was called worthless, a reject of society, and a disgrace to her family. I told her those words don’t define her, they’re just names. But once it was said, that’s all she could think about. She never saw herself the way her family saw her, but only as the words people called her; because of that, she tried to take her own life. Her mom caught her before she finished what she started, she was so ashamed of what happened, I never saw her again.
Bullying is happening everywhere. You may not see it, but you know it’s there. The amount of pain people go through day to day is unthinkable. We need to find the courage within ourselves and stand up for what is right. Bullying is everyone's problem which means we have the power to stop it. 

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