Conformity Abnormalties | Teen Ink

Conformity Abnormalties

December 18, 2013
By PorcelianDoll GOLD, Randolph, New Jersey
PorcelianDoll GOLD, Randolph, New Jersey
11 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
- Marilyn Monroe

We're all members of a certain conformity,
But singled out for our abnormalties.
We're built up just to be pushed far down.
Heaven looks an awful lot like hell from this ground.

Why do we try so hard when at the end of the day
our dreams become tarnished mistakes we make.
We take the medicine they feed our lips.
We're just playing a part in their script.

We're mixed around and molded into one,
And it straps us in chains, no where to run.
All this must have you be thinkin'
Why can't we just be different?

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