We Can Stop It | Teen Ink

We Can Stop It

April 23, 2013
By MadSilver GOLD, Woodstock, Georgia
MadSilver GOLD, Woodstock, Georgia
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

It’s as if nothing ever changes. The jokes they say are always the same. The names we are called are over used and outdated. People can try and stop this from happening, but as hard as they try, the jokes and names only get worse. Bullying isn’t a joke, it is a real problem. But people dismiss it and push it away like it doesn’t matter. But to outcasts like me, bullying is the one thing that scares me the most. It doesn’t matter who we are, or what we look like, we are all bullied at some point in our lives. Whether we face it in school or at work, it’s not something we can stop. But it is something that we can try to stop. Sometimes people say things out of fear, but is that an excuse for the things that they say? Or the names like “Stupid”, or “Spaz”. This is what causes people like me to hurt themselves and maybe even kill themselves. But this doesn’t have to happen, if we try to stop it. We, together, can stop all of it.

The author's comments:
We can stop this all together

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