Why must You? | Teen Ink

Why must You?

February 1, 2013
By PrincessGaguya GOLD, Dallas, Texas
PrincessGaguya GOLD, Dallas, Texas
13 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"He who trusts all things to chance, makes a lottery of his life." -The Lord.

Why must they torture frantically when we have done nothing wrong? These days, nothing can be told if it is right or wrong, and that needs to have a stop put to it. I would say before someone gets hurt, but so many have already given their life or their life was stolen by the evil, hating words, glares, people... I know from experience, it is hard. But, it goes away. To most, this seems like a lie because they have been "bullied for years and years" but the truth is, compared to your whole life, a few years are an easy sacrifice. I am only 16. But I have been through more than people would believe. Would you like to know why? Because, I hold my head up. I never give up. I stand up. I lift spirits up. I put up with the hate and the lies and backstabbing like it is a slight itch. And they go away. I know it hurts, but we must stand together, and get up from our hiding places, and show them that we can live WITHOUT them! The problem with that... Is that most people don't realize, even when you're the victim, you, yourself, also have bully inside of you. It is hard to believe. But I have seen it. I have felt it. When you finally stand up, you can feel the greatness in your whole body. You start heating up, literally, you can hear your own heart beat in your ears, strong, and you just don't want to stop. And that is the problem. We never want to stop. It feels empowering to make someone tremble at the very sound of your voice. The feeling is not pure though. This feeling is the devil's energy, and this feeling, why it feels so good, is because he is trying to seduce you with the thrill. Your body trembles, you feel so good, at peace, until you cool down, and then you are back to where you began, sometimes even worse. Some say there is no thing as Devil. I believe. But for those of you who don't believe, I can protest for you as well, but all I can say is don't. When you get that feeling, and you feel as if you can do anything, don't. Just do not do a thing. Walk away. It is the only thing you can do at that point. If you fight back, you are as bad as them. But don't let them see you run away. Let them see you walk with a slight bounce of confidence, with your head up, and ladies, your hair behind your shoulders and out of your face. That feeling, making them believe they have no power over you, I promise, it is far better than being as evil as them. Take it from me. Because if not, why must you torture frantically?

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