"Different from you" | Teen Ink

"Different from you"

November 28, 2016
By Niya1 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Niya1 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Treat others, the way you want to be treated."

Once upon a time there was a girl name Naiya. Naiya wasn't an ordinary girl, she was different. She was different because she wasn't human. About 2 years she had been scratched by an alpha wolf while out with her brothers trick or treating on Halloween. It all began when she was walking her brothers down the streets, she had let her brothers go ahead of her to get candy from this house. But while they were gone Naiya was then scratched by a wolf. She let out a quiet scream because she didn't want anyone to know.



When her and her brothers were walking home, she had covered her scar up. It was hurting her so much, she was wondering how her brothers couldn’t tell by the way she was walking. But Naiya managed to get through the pain and make it home. If she told her mom, she knew her mom would look at her differently for the rest of her life. Naiya looked down and seen blood everywhere, but she still tried to cover it.



Finally they arrived home. As soon as she got in the house she rushed up stairs to her room to clean up the scar from the wolf scratch. But when Naiya lifted her shirt up there was no scratch, just blood. “Thats crazy, it healed,”Naiya said to herself. So Naiya took a shower to get ready for dinner, she couldn’t believe what just happened to her.

Naiya was shocked she struggled to go to sleep. But finally, she fell asleep and when she finally fell asleep she began to dream. Her dream was about her, in her dream she had turned into a wolf, went on a rampage and , began ripping innocent people's throats out, but then she finally woke up.

    When Naiya finally woke up, she had went to the bathroom. “What a dream”, she sighed to herself. But when she turned the bathroom light on she saw her clothes ripped up and blood everywhere. “So it wasn’t a dream,” she said in shock. Naiya began to take her clothes off and throw them away so no one would notice. She was so confused, she didn’t know what was happening to her or what was going on.


After that Naiya began to get ready for school. When she arrived at school, she told her friend who she trusted the most all what happened in her dream and what seemed to come true. Her friend name was Liyah, Naiya told Liyah everything.


    “What!!!?” I can’t believe that happened to you,” Liyah yelled. Naiya  couldn’t believe she got scratched by a alpha wolf either, she barely even knew if the dream was real or her mind was playing tricks on her. “Naiya, how in the world do you not know what u did last night, and you did it,” Liyah cried. “Only thing i remember is going to sleep and dreaming of it,”Naiya replied.

By the end of the day Naiya came up with a idea to capture her actions at night to see if this was real or not. That night, she decided to set her phone up on record to capture her every move. Then after that Naiya was sound asleep. The time was 12 am and she began to transform on camera. She jumped out of her window fully transformed into a wolf and went on a killing spree.

It was finally morning time and as soon as Naiya woke up she watched the video she captured of herself. As she seen her eyes glow yellow as the moon and her claws form, she was shocked. After she seen the video for herself, she sends the video to Liyah and she watches it. “Ohh my god, Naiya!!!, this is scary, but cool,”Liyah cried. “How in the world is this cool, Liyah, How!!??”, Naiya questioned. “Because Naiya, your eyes glow at night, you have claws, and probably super human strength”. “You might be right, Naiya said”. But still Liyah thought it was cool.




After that Naiya began to look up things about being bitten or scratched by a werewolf. The research she looked up read “If you are scratched or bitten by a wolf, you would have superhuman strength, quick reflexes, you would be able to hear from a far distance, and hear heart beats”. Naiya discovered what she was because she was experiencing these abilities and strengths of being a wolf. She tried to try some her abilities out and the research she looked up was true.


By the end of the day, she started liking this wolf thing because her body started to become stronger , her abs got tighter, and her arms toned up. But the thing she disliked about this whole wolf thing is that she couldn’t control herself. She was still afraid that she would hurt innocent people and the people she loved, like her mom, brothers or her dad. Naiya was even scared of her own self.


It was the end of the day at school and Naiya walked home. As she was walking home from school she heard footsteps from 10 feet away, that sounded like they were getting closer and closer. Naiya grew tired of the loud footsteps, so began listening to music. While listening to music two boys decided to snatch Naiya up and put a blindfold on her. But since she had superhuman strength she managed to fight them off.






Both boys were on the ground, until one boy got a hold of Naiya, stabbed her with a needle, and then she passed out. After that the boys took her into this black van. But the needle didn’t seem to be enough, so Naiya began to waking up and heard the two boys talking. She tried to get way out of the rope she was tied down to. But she couldn’t, so she just waited to the got to the destination.


They finally arrived at the destination and the two boys took Naias blindfold off. But when they took the blindfold off her eyes were golden yellow, her claws were out, and her teeth formed into fangs. But Naiya didn’t know how she transformed, there was no full moon or anything, but Naiya didn’t try to control it she just let it go because she was angry at the boys for capturing her. “Calm down Naiya,we’re trying to help you”, one of the boys cried. But still she was not calming down.


Then a big tall guy came to the van and growled at Naiya as loud as he could. After that she transformed back into her human form and she calmed down. “I know how you feel Naiya and you're not alone, we are just alike”, the tall man said calmly. “How you know my name, how did you…!?,”Naiya said as she was confused. “You probably have a lot of questions for me and don’t worry I will answer them,” the tall guy said.



“How do you know my name, and how did you calm me down!!??,”Naiya questioned. “Ever since i scratched you that night, and yeah it was me, i been watching your every move, I was able to calm you down because i am a Alpha wolf,” the tall guy said, as his eyes glowed a bright red color. “My name is Derek by the way and these two boys are Tyler and Dylan, these two are basically my sidekicks, Tyler is just like me and you, but Dylan here is just like any regular human who we trust,”Derek explained. Naiya was still confused.

“But why would you choose to bite me!!??”, Naiya asked. “I needed more people in my pack and i chose you because you can handle it”, Derek replied. While they talked Naiya managed to get out of the ropes, but she wasn’t able to. “Before I let you go, I need you not to tell no one, If you do I will be back for you”, Derek said. Naiya already had told Liyah, so she just shook her head in agreement.

Finally, Derek let Naiya loose and Dylan and Tyler drove her back home in the black van. Naiya still confused, sat in silence thinking what would happen next. She just sat in silence while Tyler and Dylan drove her home. They arrived at her house finally, “We will be back for you when the first full moon comes”, Tyler said.

As soon as Naiya got home she did more research about this wolf thing. She learned more things. Things like “when a full moon comes newborn wolves won’t be able to control it they would have to have help from the Alpha wolf”. “That's why  Tyler said that”, Naiya said to herself. She was actually glad she got kidnapped because if she didn’t, she would continue killing innocents without any control. She was lucky that she wasn’t alone with this wolf stuff not knowing what to do, she would be a so called “lone wolf”, a wolf who doesn’t have a pack.


After that she told Liyah about everything that happened. “You cannot come over my house this weekend”, Naiya said to Liyah. “Why not!!??”, Liyah cried. So Naiya again explained to Liyah everything that happened so she could get it through her big head. “Okay, i understand now”, Liyah said. But Naiya knew what Liyah does, Liyah never listens to her.

Naiya looked at her phone and counted the days until a full moon. “Just two more days until the full moon”, she sighed. She was nervous, and worried because she didn’t want to hurt anymore people. She didn’t want to end up hurting people she loved either. Will she be able to control herself?, Will she let the wolf control her??


One day before the full moon and Naiya is more nervous than before. Naiya had just woken to go eat breakfast that her mom had made , she could smell it all the up in her room. When she went downstairs she seen a letter with her name on it. So Naiya opened the letter and it read “We  will be coming for you before the full moon comes”, signed Derek. Naiya began to stop worrying, since Derek could help her control turning into a wolf. 

After that Naiya went to go buy some time before the full moon came, she went to the library to more studying about this wolf thing. She found out even more, one thing she found out was that anger could trigger the wolf inside her. “That's why I turned without a full moon”, Naiya thought to herself. Naiya spent so much time in the Library and didn’t realize she spent 4 hours in there and  the time was now 4;30 p.m.


It was 8 hours before the full moon and Naiya decided to hang out with Liyah for the time being. “So you have to be home by 12 a.m.”, Liyah asked. “Yes Liyah, we can’t be playing games, this is serious”, Naiya replied. Liyahs mother had took Naiya and Liyah out to eat and they went to go to the movies, the time was now 10pm “Today was a good day”, Naiya said, “yes it was”, Liyah replied. Naiya had looked down at her phone and realized it was 10:30 p.m., “ohh my god, just two hours left until the full moon, I gotta hurry home”, Naiya had said to herself.


But luckily Liyah remembered what time Naiya had to be home, so Liyah rushed her mom out the movies.  When Naiya reached home it was 11:30 pm, so she waited on the couch for Derek, Tyler, and Dylan to come and get her. 5 minutes later they finally arrived at her house. She heard them walking to her porch, so Naiya already opened the  door. “Did you get my note?”, Derek asked,  Naiya nodded. So Derek, Tyler, Dylan hurried and got Naiya into the van and they rushed her to a warehouse, so she wouldn’t hurt anybody,

The time was now 11:50 pm and Naiya began to feel her blood raise higher, she began to get a headache, and she felt rage build up inside up because the full moon was soon to come. “She's turning!!!”, Dylan cried. Dylan was just human so he wouldn't be able to control Naiya for himself. Also she would be even stronger under the full moon.




But before that, Derek had already chained her down to the seats in the van, but he knew she would get loose some how. Nails fingernails began to grow like claws, her teeth like fangs, her eyes a golden yellow color just like her dream. “It's too late now Derek!!ahhh hurry up!!,”Dylan cried. After that Tyler came up with a idea to help calm Naiya down.

“Naiya!!, I want you to repeat these words”, Tyler said. “Grrr”, Naiya growled as she tried to get out of the chains. “Naiya!! Repeat these words, the sun, the moon, the truth,” Tyler said. “The Sun, The moon, The truth!!!!,” Naiya yelled. But that didn't seem to work, so she kept repeating it. As she kept repeating it, it was working but slowy. Then Naiya started feeling better and gained more control, finally she started transforming back into her human form.

Her nails went back to normal , eyes changed back to her regular color, and her teeth back to normal as well. “That was a close one, she could have killed me!!,” Dylan cried. “I wish i did”, Naiya joked. Naiya thought that Dylan talked way too much and he was lazy. She was still mad at the time that Tyler and Dylan kidnapped her, but she wasn’t as mad at Tyler like she was at Dylan

The reason Naiya wasn’t that mad at Tyler was because he helped her gain control and they were just the same. “Are you okay Naiya”, Derek asked, “Yes, other than what just happened”,Naiya replied. “I felt, rage, as Derek interrupted Naiya. “You felt rage… right?,the reason you felt rage was because of the full moon, the full moon makes you like this”,Derek explained.




“Before we take you home, I will teach you more control and teach you about your instincts”, Derek continued. Naiya sat in silence, she never felt this strong before, she was shocked. The last time she transformed she thought it was a dream, but she never actually felt what it was like transforming while awake. Naiya had a terrible headache after what just happened.


Finally they arrived at the warehouse. “Wait, wait, do you guys hear that!??”, Tyler cried. So Naiya started focusing on her hearing skills and she began hearing that noise too. “Yes, i hear that, it sounds like people running towards us, Naiya replied. Only person that couldn’t hear it was Dylan because he was human and didn’t have hearing abilities.


“Quick, get inside!!”, Derek yelled, the sound of the footsteps got louder and louder. As soon as they were entering the warehouse a bow and arrow hit Derek in the back. “The wolf hunters!!”,Tyler cried, Naiya looked back at them and saw Liyah holding the bow and arrow. Her own best friend that she thought she could trust betrayed her.


“Liyah, what are you doing!!”,Naiya yelled. Naiya was confused on how Liyah knew where she would be at and that Liyah was a wolf hunter. “I know Naiya, not what you expected”, Liyah said now pointing the bow and arrow at Naiya. “So this is you now, I tell you my secret and you do this”, Naiya said. “Dont worry, im not gonna kill you, i'm gonna poison you, and another thing everybody is not your true friend”,Liyah said.




Naiya already knew what was up and for now on she wouldn't trust anybody but Tyler, Derek, and Dylan. Liyah still had the bow and arrow pointed at Naiya, and any minute Naiya knew she was gonna shoot. So Naiya stood up and as Liyah shot the arrow, Naiya caught it using her ability of quick reflexes. After that she broke the bow and arrow and her, Tyler, Dylan, and Derek charged inside the warehouse before Liyah and the other wolf hunters could shoot at them.

As soon as they got into the warehouse, Naiya, Dylan, and Tyler were trying to help Derek before the poison from the bow and arrow got to his heart. “We need something sharp to get this out of his arm”,Dylan yelled. So Tyler took his claws and scratched Derek on the arm, then finally the poison came out into a smoke form. Naiya didn’t know how to make her claws form without transforming into a full wolf so she just watched in silence.

When the poison came out of his arm, Derek healed. “Did you tell anyone about this Naiya?!”, Derek asked. “Yes I did, I told only one person that I trusted the most, her name was Liyah. “Liyah, you told Liyah, she's one of the most dangerous wolf hunters, I can't believe you Naiya!!!”, Derek yelled. But Naiya didn’t know that Liyah was a wolf hunter until just now. “I...I didn’t know”,Naiya cried. She felt bad because of what happened.

“It's okay Naiya, I know you didn’t know, but next time just don't tell anybody, not even your best friends because nowadays you can't trust nobody”, Tyler said. After Derek began to feel a little better, Tyler and Dylan educated Naiya more about the wolf hunters and why they do the things they do. “Your friend Liyah has been trying to hunt us down for years, and we have been trying to kill her”, Derek explained. But Naiya just sat in silence.

“I know i messed up, but I have a question”, Naiya said. “What's your question Tyler”, replied. “How did manage to get your claws out, without turning into a full wolf??, i'm just curious”,Naiya asked. “Ohh this!!”, Tyler cried, then he did it again. “Okay first you have to feel it in your hand, then believe it”, Derek said. So Naiya tried to do it, but she couldn’t get it the first time. “You have to believe it Naiya”, Derek again said. Naiya closed her eyes and then flicked her fingers out, and finally she was able to get her claws out without transforming into a full wolf. “I did it!!”, Naiya cried, she couldn't stop smiling. “Hey put them away!!”, Dylan cried.

“There is something else we have to teach you”, Derek said. “We will teach you how to make your eyes glow at night, so you can use them whenever you are hunting”,Tyler said. Naiya was excited to learn this because she thought it was cool, after seeing Tyler and Derek do it.. “Okay first close your eyes Naiya”,Tyler said. So Naiya closed her eyes, “And just think about anything that makes you angry”,Tyler added. Naiya was nervous because she didn't want to think about things that made her angry because she wouldn't be able to calm down.

So Naiya began to think about things that made her angry. “Okay after that now, open your eyes”, Derek said. Naiya then opened her eyes and her eyes were a golden yellow color. “Naiya you did it, now make them go to regular color”,Dylan said as he was frighten. Naiya tried to change them back to normal but she couldn’t, she just knew this would happen, so she tried to think about things that made her happy. Then she closed her eyes again and finally her eyes changed back to her regular color.



After that Tyler and Dylan had just helped Derek get the poison out before it reached his heart. But still Naiya felt bad because she couldn’t do nothing or didn’t know how. When Derek started feeling better he taught Naiya more things the whole night. The time was now 3:00 am and Tyler drove  Naiya back home before her mom came back  from work.


When she arrived at home, she suddenly felt relaxed and relieved that she knew how to control this wolf thing. Also she learned a few things that night, she learned not to trust everybody and everyone isn’t your friend. Before her mom got home, she was fast asleep.


Two years later, Naiya was still the same, She had made a new friend, and her and Tyler had got together as a couple. Naiya knew who she could trust and who she couldn’t . But this is the end of the story on how Naiya is “Different from you”. THE END

The author's comments:

The thing that inspired me to write this piece is because I watch alot of movies with wolves in them and i decided i could write my own story, but make it different.

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