Tom Was Lost | Teen Ink

Tom Was Lost

November 19, 2013
By jack3.14159265 BRONZE, Bedford, New Hampshire
jack3.14159265 BRONZE, Bedford, New Hampshire
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Besides we are men, and after all it is our business to risk our lives.”

Tom was Lost

Tom trudged through the hot summer woods with vigor. The birds chirped happily, oblivious to the noise Tom’s feet made on the brittle twigs. Chipmunks and squirrels raced up trees, their mouths bulging with acorns.

It had started out as an innocent trip to the tall forest; Tom went to the usual dried up lake, his hidden tree fortress deep in the woods and a small valley called “The Ravine.” But then he decided to explore the area he rarely ever went to, the other side of the woods. He wanted something new.

Tom checked his compass and compared it to his crude, homemade map. He decided to head north, munching on the crisp apple he had brought with him. He journeyed on, finishing the apple. The wind blew sharply, providing a brief respite from the muggy summer heat.

After about 40 minutes of walking, Tom started to worry. He should have passed the large rock he used as a landmark a good 15 minutes ago. Tom looked at his map, then all around him. There was nothing but tall, dark trees as far as he could see in any direction.

“Uh-oh’” Tom said aloud. He spun around to go back to familiar terrain only to find a large pack of angry wolves! Tom screamed, getting cut off by a growl from the largest of the pack. He sprinted, not looking back. He felt the wolves’ hot breath on his heels and heard their paws on the ground, running behind him. He ran to a large leafy tree and began to climb. Upon reaching the top he looked down to find the wolves pacing around the base of the tree. So Tom waited.

Night fell as the hours passed and eventually, the wolves went to find easier prey. Tom quickly climbed down and began to walk. He reached into his large pocket for his compass but his hands grasped thin air. After some searching for his compass, Tom gave up and began to proceed forward. Tom journeyed forward, not knowing where he was going. He pulled his jacket around him. The night was surprisingly cold. Tom pulled his feet forward, inch by inch, step by step. Abruptly, the ground ended. In front of him was a steep rock cliff that stretched as far as he could see.
“To be, or not to be?” Tom asked himself. He didn’t have enough experience finding food to survive in the woods. How could he ever find his way home? Tom wanted to jump off the cliff and just end it all. But then a drop of rain hit him on the nose and he snapped out of it. With this clean water he could live in the woods for a couple of days, and a small chance of finding his way back was better than none, right?

Tom turned around. His foot slipped in the wet mud and he felt himself sliding towards the edge of the cliff. He groped at roots and mud trying to find a handhold, but to no avail. He felt himself falling into empty space. Tom was terrified. His life flashed before his eyes. He clamped them shut, never to them open again.

The author's comments:
Our teacher asked us to write a story about being alone in a forest, and we could take that story thread in any direction.

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