The Undead Cemetery | Teen Ink

The Undead Cemetery

December 16, 2011
By Anthony Hale BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Anthony Hale BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The unoiled gate to the cemetery lurched open like a lion ready to fight. It sounded like a dying cat crying for help. Me and my friend Johnny wanted to stay the night in the cemetery to see if we could talk to ghost. We kept hearing noises lurking for from the graves of undead souls. The cemetery was as dark as the devils soul.

Johnny and I split up and went to the different sides of the cemetery. I came upon a broken tomb stone. The name upon it was George parks. I said “George can you hear me”. He arose in my presence and said “yes what might you want with me ‘’. I said “how was your life did you savor it “. He responded “yes but I died when I was 19”. I said “how did you die”. He said “me and my friends used are fake I.D’s to get into a bar. Then we were drunk driving and hitting mailboxes with baseball bats. My friend went off the road and ran into a tree. He was the only one that lived though. I said “that’s sad, I’m sorry for you”. He said “don’t be sorry for me it was my fault”. I said “ok I have to catch up with my friend Johnny”.

I left and caught up with Johnny I ask him if he had seen or heard anything. He said “not one thing “. I said “ I think we should be getting out of here soon”. As we were leaving I heard a scream it came from George. I ran back to see what was wrong. As I got there I said “ George what’s wrong”. As I took my final steps I never breathed again.

The author's comments:
It was in my mind so i just wrote it down

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